No thread about the attempt on President Trump?

I think trump was referring to some bs article an editor wrote up in their local paper he had read. Probably would have been better off not bringing up that article to abc.
Hey, I've had cat and dog for some meals. Although, I was not in this country or OH.

Actually, not bad. Plus if a person is starving or food challenged (politically correct), then any meat is better than none.
Hey, I've had cat and dog for some meals. Although, I was not in this country or OH.

Actually, not bad. Plus if a person is starving or food challenged (politically correct), then any meat is better than none.
Probably tastes like chicken..
Hey, I've had cat and dog for some meals. Although, I was not in this country or OH.

Actually, not bad. Plus if a person is starving or food challenged (politically correct), then any meat is better than none.
Years ago a local Chinese restaurant owner in town got busted after the board of health department was tipped off animal pelts were found in their trash.....mostly stray cats, and dogs.
Horsemeat is tasty. It was more popular years ago, but now its sold as canned dog food.
Not sure if they do that anymore. True, Ken-L-Ration had herds of horses to support their products.

Modern dog (pet) food is made from stuff not so tasty. 4D meat. Left over grains from brewers. Rice hulls. Meat paste from rendering plants. These are just some of the tasty ingredients. Why? The answer is simple. Its cheaper.

If you don't know what makes 4D is a clue. Dead, Diseased, Disabled, Dying.
Ever wonder what happens to road kill? There are crews who clear the roads, then the carcass goes to the rendering plant.
What does the rendering plant do? They may or may not skin the carcass for the leather, then the skinless carcass (the whole carcass) is placed in a grinder to produce a meat paste. After that, the paste is pasteurized to kill bacteria. Packaged and sold to feed producers.

Pet kibble is not proper food for pets. It is waste being made into a low quality, high margin product.
I once help a dairy, and pig farmer that gave me hunting permission on his land. We use to make trips to this brewery for leftover grains, and mash to supplement his animals. That stuff smelled good enough for a breakfast cereal. I've tried all sorts of wild game, small, and large. Squirrel meat is pretty darn good. When I raced bikes down in florida, some events even served gator burgers...tastes like chicken with a reptile aftertaste .
As far as any roadkill's buzzard chow, if the ravens don't get to it first.