
Isn't everything in California bad for you ? They needed rain now they got to much ! My wife always says be careful what you wish for .
Busted bones, concussions, and torn up body parts when younger has caught up with me. Now I know its all true when guys that were in my profession say wait till you get older.
my pops was good at carpentry

He built the real chit!
Yeah it takes it's toll had 7 torn meniscus surgeries on my knees till they said they're done so my new ones are 4 years now and last winter I had rotator on the right at Thanksgiving,then took a header on the ice in January and smoked my left thumb and tore the left rotator. Both carpal tunnels and broke and ankle falling not all at once since 2000, my wife said it's time lmao :). I'll just play with hotrods
Yep, everything from motocross, hare scrambles, to enduro's. I got so much metal in my right leg...last time I went to court for jury duty it set of their security metal detector.
Even got a nice magazine pic. of me on the starting line of an ama enduro with national champ kevin hines, from your neck of the woods, and the netra enduro champ the year before....it was all ktm factory lineup.
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how do U tell if the cosmoline needs touching up?
going to take a look at it tomorrow up high on the section on the gen2 from last year after one winter of it on there