Word association


It's the type stroke I suffered 11 years ago from having a brain aneurysm. They gave me a 10% chance of survival, but somebody else had other ideas for me.

It's the type stroke I suffered 11 years ago from having a brain aneurysm. They gave me a 10% chance of survival, but somebody else had other ideas for me.
I'm sorry to hear about your stroke but happy you're still with us! My dad had a stroke back in December of 2010! His was caused by a heart attack pretty much, he had about a 70% blockage on one artery I think and something like an 80% or 90% blockage on another artery with a clot formed on one of the blockages which was the heart attack! When they dissolved the clot with medication some pieces of it went to the brain and caused a stroke!

They did roto-root the blockages as my dad likes to say and put in 2 stints! The day before he was originally supposed to come home from the hospital he had another heart attack, another clot had formed on one of the stints! They had to go back in and clean that one out! At least that one occurred while in the hospital! All in all because of the 2 heart attacks and the stroke he was in the hospital for a month!
I'm sorry to hear about your stroke but happy you're still with us! My dad had a stroke back in December of 2010! His was caused by a heart attack pretty much, he had about a 70% blockage on one artery I think and something like an 80% or 90% blockage on another artery with a clot formed on one of the blockages which was the heart attack! When they dissolved the clot with medication some pieces of it went to the brain and caused a stroke!

They did roto-root the blockages as my dad likes to say and put in 2 stints! The day before he was originally supposed to come home from the hospital he had another heart attack, another clot had formed on one of the stints! They had to go back in and clean that one out! At least that one occurred while in the hospital! All in all because of the 2 heart attacks and the stroke he was in the hospital for a month!
How's your dad doing now? Took me a couple months with all sorts of therapy to relearn everything I lost. 6 months later with the hardest work of my life, I was back on a snowmobile by the middle of next winter. I'm about 90% recovered, plus now right handed.
