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  1. T


    Finally getting some white stuff starting here in the new england berkshires. Been a long time since seen any substantial amount. Been waiting to give the taco its first real 4wd workout of the year.
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    What's your single most resolution for the year?
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    To all
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    Dirty Jobs

    Just cleaned out my home's central vac's large canister filled to capacity mostly with every type of dust, and dirt in the universe. Can't be a much worse job. I think I got more on me from that horrendous dust cloud when emptying it in the trash barrel. Must be someone else here thats cleaned...
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    Ducks have been prepared, and going in the oven.
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    Mother gets arrested

    Recently saw on the news a mother was aresseted in Georgia for allowing her nearly 11 year old son to walk less than a mile into town for an errand in broad daylight. Police charged her with reckless endangerment. She now faces jail time. I can't believe this bs when I heard it. What is this...
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    TEE'D OFF moron's will be moron's

    Went to run an errand in town this morning. I got an open parking spot early along the street that had a good size curb to slide in against. All went well inside the building office I was at. It's when I came out to my truck, only to find another vehicle parked in back, and in front of my truck...
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    Favorite Burger

    When it comes to burgers, whats everyone's top pick? I just found a new favorite tonight thats will give any burger joint a run for their money. My local grocery store had just got some fresh Angus Wahlburgers. I had them on the grill tonight dressed with some smoked gouda cheese, mushrooms, and...
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    Been getting phone calls from the southwest, and cities in mexico....I have caller id that spells out in video who's calling. They pretend they're part of brandons irs claiming I'm owed a huge windfall of money on my past federal income tax's if I just call them back, and supply some needed...
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    Wiper Blades

    Got a question on these gen3 tacoma's as far as finding good all weather windshield wiper blades. Been using trico gold blades in the past on my tundra, but now hearing from others there are better brands to choose. This being a 1st tacoma, its got me intrigued what others recommend.
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    Taxpayer Dollars

    Why are we spending more money abroad helping to rebuild other war torn countries than helping our own citizens who are in desperate need devastated by the last hurricane? Something is not right.
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    ILA Strike

    Whats everyone think lately of the dockworkers strike? Brandon has the power to order them back to work. Going to be shortages, and high food prices with a lot of perishable items if the strike goes on into next week.
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    Took the taco for an errand to Lowes early this morning, finding a parking place free of vehicles on both sides for a number of spaces. I was inside for nearly an hr trying to find some perennial rye grass seed, and some 2'' shed vents. I went online to find where their located, which was...
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    Did some weed whacking around the house the other day. While doing so ended up getting stung in the face, and head from these little bastards. I hadn't seen anything like them around here before. They're nearly an inch long, and look like a yellow jacket on steroids. One of my friends here...
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    Happy 4th everyone

    Been roasting st louie stye pork ribs, and cooking burgers with all the fixings. Crap...looks like it might rain....
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    Temp gauge

    I know it's no longer winter, but board, and nit picking now that it's become a hot summer. I've had a question on these 3rd gen v6 temp gauges thats been bugging me for several years now. Here goes...when it becomes near zero temps outside, my truck takes forever before showing a normal mid...
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    Happy memorial Day

    What have you guys doing for grilling, and chilling today? Sucks here as it's pouring rain again.
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    Odd vehicle paint colors

    Been noticing a lot of primer gray vehicles on the roads over the last year including some high end beemers that from first glance they look unfinished. You expect to see that in communist run countries. What gives, or is this just a fad we're going through?
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    Just received my insurance bill for 6 months today for my 2020 taco. I was surprised it rose $40 from 6 months ago....been the most in years and no claims, or tickets. I hate to see what my home, and other toys will end up at when those bills come. I guess I could thank brandonomics.:mad:
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    Priming your oil filter when doing an oil change.

    I always fill my oil filter first before installing it when doing an oil change. I can't believe how many people say this is a bad idea. We've proven on a dyno it takes a few seconds for the oil pressure to come up if you start with a dry filter. This causes excessive wear/scratch's on the...