Anyone Have a Cargo Basket?


Active Member
I would really like to get a cargo basket for my Taco but I'm not sure what will work with the factory roof rack. I was close to buying the Yakima mega warrior but I found a video on YouTube of a guy who had to make cuts in the mounting hardware in order to fit it onto his truck. I saw that they offer an extension for that same basket(which, I believe I read somewhere, is necessary to fit the Taco) but that's an additional $150.

Now I get that they won't exactly be very cheap but does anyone have a basket on their Taco mounted to the factory racks? Or anyone know of any baskets that'll be plug and play with factory racks?
Man, the 100lb capacity on the oem crossbars is a bit disappointing, but I suppose i really wouldn't be putting all that much weight on it, I mainly want it for some rod holders, the rest of my fishing gear, maybe a cooler and a few necessities (jerrycans, jack, ax and a shovel)... specially when I'm carrying around my kayaks.