Clattering valves


Active Member
I recently switched to "top tier" 76 gas after using cheap gas, but after 3 tankfuls my valves are still clattering when I give it gas after its done shifting. Should I switch to mid grade?
I recently switched to "top tier" 76 gas after using cheap gas, but after 3 tankfuls my valves are still clattering when I give it gas after its done shifting. Should I switch to mid grade?
Never use mid grade. And here is why. When a gas station get gas delivered let's say 10,000 gal. And they only put 9,000 in. This is reg gas by the way. The gas station has already paid for it. Guess where it goes. You got it. Mid grade tank. I only run 92/93. Once I made the switch my truck runs great. Better gas mileage to. Not a real big difference. But every little bit counts. The reason I know they put the left over in the mid grade tank is because I asked the driver one night. I'm not saying this is every gas station. But you never know.