Got my notice last week pertaining to my 2013. I'm in New England and keep 'em oiled, so no rust through. Says they'll be sending out a notice to apply undercoating of some sort in the near future if I don't have perforation. Personally, I don't get how Toyota has to be responsible for rusting frames or anything else made of steel. If it's subjected to moisture, it will rust. Even the best of oil undercoatings in use 'round here can't prevent rust, only prolong the inevitable. I wash as much salt and sand out from as many nooks and crannies as I can in the spring and fall, and re-oil. I've never known any of the sticky coatings to stay stuck through a winter, so outside of keeping underbodies oiled on a regular basis, even a new replacement frame is going to rust, too. When does it end? Just sayin'. Oh, and now waiting for notice on my 2015!