Gov't run food supply...?

Only thing I've ever heard relating to your thread title, was our government wants to strengthen our food supply chain.
On another note, kamala wants the government to set prices what food manufactures can charge.....she calls it ''price gauging''. Nixon once put a 90 day freeze on what manufactures could charge for goods. All it did was lead to shortages, and more inflation. Look at cuba, venezuela, and other communist'd it work for them? I've been to canada many times. Being a socialist government, the people up there think it's worse than what we have here in the u.s.
Yeah, haven't you heard kamala's plan to get inflation under control? She also wants to raise the corporate tax rate so high no manufacture ceo with any brains will do business in this country.
I sure hope so. Trump is about the only non swamper in dc that can get this country back on track again....when the lame stream media that are in the tank with the dems show nothing but hate for him, you know he's on the right track for the people.
It's the swamp, and the rest of those lifetime bureaucrats that can't be trusted. You know when someone is trying to do right, and they try to take them out at any cost.
Dig into the history of countries who tried Govt controls on everything.

None turned out favorable.

If the cost to produce an item is $50, but the Govt price control set the sell price at $40, then there is no incentive to produce the item. This leads to massive shortages.
Dig into the history of countries who tried Govt controls on everything.

None turned out favorable.

If the cost to produce an item is $50, but the Govt price control set the sell price at $40, then there is no incentive to produce the item. This leads to massive shortages.
And more inflation. These bureaucrats need to run their own business for a few years. They seem to been taught money grows on trees, and are a renewable resource.
No government run food supply here....just cleaned much of my garden out, and made a humungous pot of vegetable goulash. Kitchen smells wonderful. There's enough hot peppers in it to cure whatever is ailing you....this goulash will put pep in your step.o_O
Its not hot until you stand up from the throne and see the water steaming or the TP ignites on clean up.