How do you fold the back seat down on a 01-04 double cab?

I just picked up a 03 double cab Tacoma and the backseat has a cover on it and I want to remove the cover. I am sure there is a ton somewhere to pull to fold the back down to remove cover I just can’t find it any help would be appreciated thank you
Never-mind I figured it out
the majority of people on this forum are posers and help out nobody just saying you might want to look for another forum, I have asked for help so many times and I've come to a conclusion that this forum is filled with ass clowns. It's ashame you can even call this a Tacoma form
What is it that you need help with maybe I can help
like good affordable suspension upgrades, safest lift you can go without upgrading control arms or ball joints. I live in Tucson and I've drove on back roads smoother than these streets. I mainly just ask for opinions on stuff and only get smart ass responses I get better info about our trucks on a Honda or Ford forum lol
the majority of people on this forum are posers and help out nobody just saying you might want to look for another forum, I have asked for help so many times and I've come to a conclusion that this forum is filled with ass clowns. It's ashame you can even call this a Tacoma form
I'm not sure why you're pissy or still here from your statement above but, I read through your 18 post and although there was some assclowning, you got some useful responses from myself and several others that are on here a good bit. I even "liked" one of your comments that expressed that you enjoyed the craziness... there's a ton of good info on here but it seems that people never think about using the magnifying glass up there. We tend to ignore the more generic questions that have been asked hundreds of times but someone will usually catch the more involved, specific questions when someone is actually having an issue. There's only 1 guy that runs this circus, the rest of us are just here for fun, and I've personally been buried in books and term projects and trying to get my rental ready for June 1st... I don't always feel like diving into the whole, "What's the best lift?" stuff, so I guess I apologize...? I'd rather people figure out how to use this........20190410_232010.jpg