Opinions on Toyota SLLC Coolant vs. Aftermarket Toyota Spec'd Coolants


Well-Known Member
looking for some input on using an alternative coolant other tham the Toyota SLLC coolant based on user experience, before we get started with I will only use Toyota branded coolant in all my vehicles speech I am definetly a Toyota OEM Parts fanboy and will continue to use only OEM oil filters, but now we are talking about using an toyota equivilent coolant that meets all the Toyota spec's as far as chemical makeup at half the cost as the OEM stuff. I know I know whats $10 extra bucks for using the Toyota branded compared to hurting the vehicle by cheaping out on a bargain generic house brand, but on reviewing most aftermarket stuff mostly all reviewers are statisfied with the aftermarket versions with no mechanical or other issues arising from its use. Ive read and perused the BITOG forum for some answers with no defined reason for not using an aftermarket coolant especially mine is 11 years old now and putting in a high priced coolant even Toyota branded may not be the most cost efficient smart alternative for me. I would probably have to do multiple De-ionized water gallons to flush out the old Toyota stuff (more time and money ) too, I was researching this Walmart Supertech Toyota Red coolant made by a blender company called KOST which is a US subsidary for Recochem coolant company (Canada) makes a brand called OEM coolants that were once sold at Pepboys and have very high customer approvals for thier coolants and even a Toyota SLLC pink version thats highly rated and meets all criteria for matching Toyota spec's. tell me why i should spend more for a older toyota truck by using the OEM toyota super pink juice?
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Imo, as long as their the super long life pink ethylene glycol coolant, their all the same. Some manufactures may vary with different additive packages, much like motor oils. Whether you need to add some coolant, or a complete flush, as long as the coolant manufacture states it meets the specs for your year toyota's, it's fine to use. I can tell you a buddy with an independent garage has been using zerex red coolant for years in place of the toyota super long life stuff with no issues. Idk why so many tend to overthink this.
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Friggin computer's browser, either that I'm still blocked from getting on VerticalScope owned web sites.
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i did a little AAA auto coolant test strip test on my old 56K miles Toyota SLLC thats still in there and based on the results the freeze/boiling points are -12/282 degrees fahrenheit and the ph level is 7.5 which is still OK based on the test but at the low level seems to be on the way out with another 5-10k miles IMO. so toyotas recommended change intervals at 100k miles initial and then 50k afterwards seem to be early but somewhat accurate. im at 56k miles(second coolant change) on the OEM SLLC and it still has some life left. if you have AAA auto coverage you can get a Fluid test strip package for free where they have service centers i had gotten 2 of them that test all engine fluids in the car, pretty cool allows you to get an idea on how good your fluids are, seems pretty accurate.


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i found the best price on Toyota SLLC at a Stealership about 15 miles north of me if i order online $20.63 gallon x 2 plus tax=$43.99 and i pick it up for free(gas to get 30 mile roundtrip), the Wallyworld Toyota stuff(meets all Toyota specs) would be $25,42 for 2 gallons including tax plus its less than a mile away:confused:
i did a little AAA auto coolant test strip test on my old 56K miles Toyota SLLC thats still in there and based on the results the freeze/boiling points are -12/282 degrees fahrenheit and the ph level is 7.5 which is still OK based on the test but at the low level seems to be on the way out with another 5-10k miles IMO. so toyotas recommended change intervals at 100k miles initial and then 50k afterwards seem to be early but somewhat accurate. im at 56k miles(second coolant change) on the OEM SLLC and it still has some life left. if you have AAA auto coverage you can get a Fluid test strip package for free where they have service centers i had gotten 2 of them that test all engine fluids in the car, pretty cool allows you to get an idea on how good your fluids are, seems pretty accurate.
I never replaced the toyota red coolant in my tundra in the 19 years, and 290k miles i owned it. When I brought it in for a timing belt change, the dealer must of added some, or replaced it with the water pump when they did the timing belt kit.
As far as coolant, the toyota stuff is as good as any.
I never replaced the toyota red coolant in my tundra in the 19 years, and 290k miles i owned it. When I brought it in for a timing belt change, the dealer must of added some, or replaced it with the water pump when they did the timing belt kit.
As far as coolant, the toyota stuff is as good as any.
290k miles on the RED stuff is alot, i think the OCI on the long life
RED concentrate is 60k initial change then 30k miles after
Took a little deep dive into the Toyota 2004 and above years that use the pink Super Long Life coolant, first off it is Hoat type Hybrid Organic Acid Technology uses silicates and organic acids to fight corrosion and protect, the other POAT(Walmart supertech toyota red 50/50) is Phosphate Organic Acid Technology it uses Phosphates as a corrosion inhibitor, so in other words the Toyota owners manual for my truck says use the SLLC HOAT version or equivalent, not the POAT with Phosphate corrosion inhibitor so i know this is splitting hairs and the Phosphate version may work just as well but its not what the owners manual states to use a HOAT or equivalent of the same type, so that eliminates the Walmart supertech toyota red although it may work just as well i dont know, i think some other aftermarket ASIAN formulas may use a non-HOAT corrosion inhibitor and may work well, but its not exactly what Toyota says as a requirement) in the owners manual, like most forums say just pay and extra $15 bucks and get the OEM SLLC there will be no questions about its chemical compatibility. ZEREX Asian Red is a HOAT, with a phosphate additive?, NAPA Asian Red is a POAT,, AISIN pink 50/50 is a HOAT and can be used in OAT pre 2004 coolants Toyota Red concentrate vehicles., PENTOFROST A4 pink is a POAT, PEAK Asian Red/Pink is a POAT.
Top throw another curve ball is the PENTOFROST A4 description is a POAT coolant but is considered a HOAT in the North American market?
Product Details

Part No. 8115209
Pentofrost A4 is a phosphated organic acid technology (phosphated OAT); which is categorized as HOAT (hybrid organic acid technology) in the US market. Pentofrost A4 is suitable for all Asian vehicles using pink Antifreeze/Coolant. Pentofrost A4 does not contain any silicate, borate, nitrite or amine containing additives since these may harm your Asian vehicle. Do not mix with other coolants (especially silicated coolants), as this may cause el formation and clog your radiator. Pentofrost A4 is a PRE-DILUTED antifreeze for Asian vehicle applications in water-cooled engines. It contains phosphates and organic salts to protect all materials used in cooling systems for Asian vehicles. Pentofrost A4 is mixable with all phosphated OAT. Meets ASTM D-3306.

Product Features:
  • Manufactured to the OE applications specific formulation.
  • Manufactured to the exact spec of DIN and ASTM D-3306.
  • Protects against corrosion and cavitation.
  • Does not foam.
Also the descrition of the PENTOFROST A4 says not to mix with with other coolants(especially Silicated) coolants it may clog the radiator, the SLLC Toyota with HOAT uses Silicates as a corrision inhibitor?? yikes im sticking with the OEM SLLC for the extra money.o_O
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I tried not to overthink this. As far as the older toyota red vs the now pink....both are compatible with each other. As far as these aftermarket others....as long as they claim they're compatible with the manufactures vehicles coolant, there's nothing to worry about. Independent shops have been using aftermarket coolants for years without issues. If still unsure about mixing, just perform a complete flush first.
only aftermarket ASIAN that i would use based solely on the toyota owners manual would be the AISIN ACT002 pink 50/50 its exactly the HOAT formulation that the owners manual states and can be safely mixed with the RED toyota concentrate, just as you could with TOYOTA SLLC(pink) and Long life LLC (red concentrate) without any compatibility issues. on the other hand years ago i was considering using the PENTOFROST A4 pink and found a Tacoma world thread where some guy used the A4 in a 2nd GEN Tacoma and got a gelled water pump that made me use the SLLC on my first OCI at 100k miles, it says in the A4 product details that it can be safely used and mixed with POAT coolants, but the OEM red and pink are HOATs this could cause compatibility problems if residual OEM coolant remained in the system, without thoroughly flushing of the old coolant,
Its when you use the gm dex cool that can be red in color, and mixed with the toyota red, you'll eventually end up with a jelled up mess
a little FYI based on my own research by comparing coolant Data specs to Toyota SLLC data, is that in my opinion only that AISIN ACT002 and Beck Arnley 252-1502 coolants are one in the same as Toyotas branded SLLC pink, the data sheets are exactly the same and IMO are sourced from the same supplier are the OEM, the company that makes the OEM is a Japanese company called CCI and make Golden Cruiser coolants and have a plant in Illinois they supply all the Jap automakers coolant for Toyota,honda,suburu and other jap makers but they dont sell it under their Golden Cruiser name in the USA seems that AISIN and Beck arnley who source some of their parts directly from the OEM makers seems their coolants are sourced from CCI in Illinois
Coolant here is getting to be somewhat like motor oil.....(my brand motor oil can beat up your brand motor oil, so there.) It's best not to overthink coolant. Just stick with the manufactures stuff, or any other brand thats compatible.