Unanswered post

Jersey Black Beauty

Well-Known Member
Someone please explain to me ,,,we all have busy lives,more so if your working through COVID-19,,
We are all on these sites looking for internet friends,advise and general chatting to blow off steam.. Whether you chime in on a post or you yourself post something funny, advice to other’s or something tragic in your life,,,,how can anyone NOT take the time to answer or follow up on that post ??
Why leave someone wondering why there’s no response!
Has anyone else noticed this???
I personally havent seen but a few posts on here that haven't been answered. I dont reply to all of them because, well I dont read every post, and I dont have an answer to everything, but I'll Like existing posts and sometimes just welcome a new family member.

We have had some spam posts that I've ignored.

Have you had a post that went unanswered?
I personally havent seen but a few posts on here that haven't been answered. I dont reply to all of them because, well I dont read every post, and I dont have an answer to everything, but I'll Like existing posts and sometimes just welcome a new family member.

We have had some spam posts that I've ignored.

Have you had a post that went unanswered?

And........he doesn’t reply
I think he did it to be funny ! I see what ur doin' to Toot, Scott that's some funny shat right there! lmfao! I'm still workin' banging nails we have about 2 yrs work booked now !
Someone please explain to me ,,,we all have busy lives,more so if your working through COVID-19,,
We are all on these sites looking for internet friends,advise and general chatting to blow off steam.. Whether you chime in on a post or you yourself post something funny, advice to other’s or something tragic in your life,,,,how can anyone NOT take the time to answer or follow up on that post ??
Why leave someone wondering why there’s no response!
Has anyone else noticed this???
I personally have made an effort over the years to go through the new post list and if I see a post that has not been responded to within 24-48 hrs at least say hello, I see you. That’s one of the reasons I have a couple posts. Many times I’ll try to provide what knowledge I have or at least direct to resources to get their question answered.
I’m sure I am guilty of missing a few. :(
I know right its so weird going to the beach and people are wearing masks but I still see a lot of college age kids not wearing them and they keep opening places up .and the numbers here on the cape are creeping up again !
Here in Jersey,we are still Required to were a mask every where,Dine In is still not allowed...you can eat outside,but only remove your mask to eat. Crazy ****, but are cases are way,way down. Our beaches are the same,no masks or social distancing