a new chapter begins... the road to 400k

so the battry recently just up and no longer functioned proper
completely Shot, it is
getting a new battrey installed today, a TrueStart instead of the DieHard that i have used since maybe 2oo6 ???

this is the last new battery the truck had installed in
pulled from the carFax records... it lasted for 1/4 million miles, almost 253k WOW

battry replacement May 2o15 at 106904 miles.jpg
The original delco battery that came in my tundra lasted about 10 years and slightly over 150k miles, so even at 250k miles, your's is nothing special to be excited about. Mileage on a battery means nothing...I go by years, and doing a battery load test. Heck my brothers wife just replaced the original battery in her 5 year old honda...she drives to nyc everyday from old saybrook connecticut....not to mention elsewhere. Her car has over 150k miles already.
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She was visiting her mother in nyc for an hr., or so. When she went to leave, her car was dead. She has AAA who came, and gave the car a jump. My brother changed the battery out he bought at the honda dealer for $110.....Says the frigging replacement battery for these cars is about same as in my new holland garden tractor,
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You can thank brandon for the lower fuel prices at the pumps....he's nearly emptied our strategic oil reserves to make that happen after the orangeman had nearly filed them..
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today marks 27.5 years since i wheeled the old gen1 off the dealer lot

took it out for some good exercise today to see what it could handle

at 90 to 95 mph there was absolut NO noticeable shimmy or oddities, with the wind at the back on i29 north it was smooth as the butter... at 360k+ miles like new it sailed along

so wot tha Fck is going on down there in 5th G at 50 to 70 mph with the shimmy shimmy in the transmission shifter
HUH ???
Think of it as tires that are not balanced. You have something in the drivetrain thats out of balance at those rpm/speed, either that something is so worn out, its only a matter of time before catastrophic failure.
I have bad vibes that it was a hacked improper clutch install
Which will cost some big coin again to make right proper :confused:
Not likely, sounds more like something that was missed in the transmission especially associated with 5th gear, or even the u-joints. I once saw a similar issue, but it was in every gear that the floor shifter would oscillate, and I'd hear a slight hissing noise. I had a speed shop I knew well when racing my drag car rebuild the transmission while I change the u-joints in the driveshaft. Problem solved. Even the 4 speed transmission shifted like butter. Btw, the clutch had already been replaced months earlier by the owner as it was pretty well smoked.
a cold one is out today
gunna get old taco out and get some clutchin' done onit this last day of 2o24...

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Took a ride the other day to a huge solar panel farm they've been building the last few years here to supply the city of Hartford with electricity. It's yuge, built on a hilltop, acres, and acres of solar panels as far as you can see. Got my taco all covered with mud after getting swallowed up in deep mud ruts on the dirt road leading there. Gotta wait till it rains again...truck needs a good rinse.
takin' the old rig into Quincy and wheel them mean main streets they got
Gunna tap the 362k
hard 28 years just 'round that corner..,....