I was looking at the yotaled.com ones as well. I searched and searched for other kits with no luck. So about two weeks ago I was sitting in the garage hanging out and drinking a few bud lights. I looked over and saw a piece of scrap thin aluminum I had for something years ago. I'm like hey beer drinking and making something seems like a good idea. So I commence to cutting a piece of card board off the empty beer case. Head out to the front of the truck and make myself a template. Transfer the template to the scrap metal and cut it out. Well damn that seems to fit nicely. So I cut myself 6 of them. Trim it up a bit and I search amazon for what I think are the same lights off yotaled.com. They come with 10 in a pack for $8 something I believe. Can't remember right off hand. Order them up along with some 18-20 gauge wire and add a fuse. A few days later they arrive. I check the bolt side of the lights for the correct size and grab the appropriate drill bit size. Oh yeah I couldn't do this without my partner bud light lol anyways I drill the holes and paint them black to blend in a little better. After the paint dried I installed them. The way mine install is I sandwiched the light between two metal pieces I cut out. I watched a few YouTube videos. Tacotwonz was a good one I watched that helped with the wiring part. So in closing the yotaled.com is around $100. I have probably around $20 in my set up. Just an idea for those cheap people like me lol