How often do you park beside another Tacoma….

All the dirty crap from the parcels moving through somehow ends up high in the rafters. Have you been up in the rafters?
Nope never had the privilege, don't know if I want to! You should see the restrooms around there! Here about a little more than a year ago I saw a woman go in the men's room because she said the women's room was way too nasty and that the men's room was actually way cleaner than theirs!
Nope never had the privilege, don't know if I want to! You should see the restrooms around there! Here about a little more than a year ago I saw a woman go in the men's room because she said the women's room was way too nasty and that the men's room was actually way cleaner than theirs!

Oh my my!
Yep it sure is! It's like working in a slave pit or as I like to call it a chain gang! Lol! I always hate it when someone asks me where I work especially an older person because 9 times out of 10 they'll respond with "That's a good company!" I think I'm gonna start responding back with "There ain't no good chain gang!" But every time I tell them it's not a "good company" they'll say "Well they have good benefits!" My thoughts are fat lot of good those benefits are gonna do ya when you're dead and 6 feet under! Other times when it's someone who's actually worked there before they'll say something more along the lines of "Oh man you work there!" Lol!
I would also like to add that "What we have here is failure to communicate!" Lol!