It's Midnight; what are my fellow Tacoma owners doing ?

Well I put my name in the pot yesterday for the Arlington hub, still not crazy at all about it! They're goal supposedly is to get the Mesquite hub reopened by next September! I had my haircut this evening and was talking to my stylist about it and I told him that if it starts costing me too much in gas or something then I may just find another job around Mesquite or Garland! He advised me to just give them a chance until next September like they said before I do that especially since I have so many years there! I agree with him however I also have the attitude that they don't give a damn about me so why should I give a damn about them! You know??!! Corporate America doesn't give a damn about the employees that work for them especially publicly traded corporations, which is what UPS is! At least imho!
Well I put my name in the pot yesterday for the Arlington hub, still not crazy at all about it! They're goal supposedly is to get the Mesquite hub reopened by next September! I had my haircut this evening and was talking to my stylist about it and I told him that if it starts costing me too much in gas or something then I may just find another job around Mesquite or Garland! He advised me to just give them a chance until next September like they said before I do that especially since I have so many years there! I agree with him however I also have the attitude that they don't give a damn about me so why should I give a damn about them! You know??!! Corporate America doesn't give a damn about the employees that work for them especially publicly traded corporations, which is what UPS is! At least imho!
Hang in there TacoMan. UPS didn't become so successful because they make dumb decisions. Suck it up and see what happens. Didn't you say the Arlington hub has Air Conditioning the other night ? That works for me. ;)
Hang in there TacoMan. UPS didn't become so successful because they make dumb decisions. Suck it up and see what happens. Didn't you say the Arlington hub has Air Conditioning the other night ? That works for me. ;)
Yep they do have air-conditioning in Arlington!

I can tell you at least one dumb decision they made, it was when they hired that stupid woman CEO they have! She actually has a reputation for gutting companies then bouncing! I heard and read that she f***ed up Home Depot then actually retired, the new CEO had to clean up her mess! UPS called her and offered her $20 million to come out of retirement! People have been layed all over the country and yet they've more than doubled her annual salary! I fail to see how that saves $$$$$! Hmmm............sorry I just can't seem to figure that one out! ...........oh well! It just doesn't seem like a smart decision to me!
Well I just wanted to update on going to Arlington! I found out yesterday that it's been postponed for the next week or two so for right now I’ll still be working in Mesquite which I have absolutely no problem at all with because it won't be costing me in gas! The people that opted to go to Dallas had their last day working in Mesquite today. They'll be starting in Dallas on Sunday, so they're only getting 1 day off this week! The day shift at Dallas is running Sunday - Thursday, so their weekend is Friday and Saturday! The Arlington hub is Monday - Friday just like I've been working in Mesquite, which is one of the reasons I ultimately decided on Arlington, plus it's climate controlled! Also from my driveway there's only about 3 miles difference between the Dallas hub (28 miles according to Google Maps) and the Arlington hub (31 miles according to Google Maps)!
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Well I just wanted to update on going to Arlington! I found out yesterday that it's been postponed for the next week or two so for right now I’ll still be working in Mesquite which I have absolutely no problem at all with because it won't be costing me in gas! The people that opted to go to Dallas had their last day working in Mesquite today. They'll be starting in Dallas on Sunday, so they're only getting 1 day off this week! The day shift at Dallas is running Sunday - Thursday, so their weekend is Friday and Saturday! The Arlington hub is Monday - Friday just like I've been working in Mesquite, which is one of the reasons I ultimately decided on Arlington, plus it's climate controlled! Also from my driveway there's only about 3 miles difference between the Dallas hub (28 miles according to Google Maps) and the Arlington hub (31 miles according to Google Maps)!
Congrats on your selection to the Arlington hub TacoMan ! And ya get an air-conditioned building. :) That's a win-win.
Congrats on your selection to the Arlington hub TacoMan ! And ya get an air-conditioned building. :) That's a win-win.
Thanks TexasBigBlue! Yeah I think the air-conditioning will probably spoil me! Lol! Every job I've ever had has been in a shop or in this case a warehouse with no a/c, it will probably be a shock to the system! Lol!
Well another update. The move to the Arlington hub got moved up to today, which I only found out about yesterday! The traffic was about what I expected this morning, this afternoon it was a little slow but still not bad! I have to say though the ones that told me that place is climate controlled is either a bunch of lying SOBs or didn't know wtf they were talking about! That place was hotter than sh*t just like in Mesquite! I can't complain too much because it's way newer and nicer and has much better equipment! Also it's automated! Also I still get my weekends off! I just try to remember that the folks that went to Dallas have it way worse because the Dallas hub doesn't even have the equipment that the Mesquite hub has which makes absolutely no sense at all! Plus they're having to work on Sundays!
well one never knows
it does not get super frosty in Texas usually far south
i hear stories of water Pipes freezing!!
well one never knows
it does not get super frosty in Texas usually far south
i hear stories of water Pipes freezing!!
Well, that usually happens during the winter if it gets really, really cold. One year I was up in the town of st Michel des saints, Quebec. It had been -50 for several days. The pipes buried 12' down in the main road through town froze. They had to bring in huge excavators with jack hammers attached to dig down into frozen dirt to get to those pipes. I was staying at a condo 1/4 mile away. My room was shaking like there was an earthquake every time that machine hammered deeper. They had to do it at night on top of it. Sucked trying to get any sleep.
well one never knows
it does not get super frosty in Texas usually far south
i hear stories of water Pipes freezing!!
Pipes do freeze around here if you don't drip your faucets. I had PEX pipes installed in the attic a few years ago when there was a leak under the foundation, it was a lot cheaper to do the PEX than to bust up the floor and fix the leak. I still drip the faucets though.
So where's TexasBigBlue?? I know he seemed to be a little pissed off and was getting tired of the bs! I hate to see him leave the forum! I like talking to him and everybody on here!