Nebraska Taco's where you at???...


dangerous SPEED BUMP in the middle of i80 east under the route 75 Finally FIXED after what seems like weeks+
o_O o_O o_O
how Many low-profile vehicles have hit that and scraped the underside ???

speed bump that WAS recently fixed turned into one NASTY deep long LBJ killR of a HOLE... glad i knew where it was and MISSED IT
it was patched repaired within a few days... how long will THAT last o_O
Thanks for the heads up.....I'll be sure to watch out for this when I do errand this morning. I may even need to test my 4wd.
I use it a few times a month on the dirt road I live off just to keep things lubed up. I'm always amazed how slick the 4wd engages, and disengages in this truck. You don't hear, or feel anything, but see the green 4wd led flash to know it works. My tundra was rough, and sounded like the transfer case was about to fall out.
i like the on-the-fly shifter and not some stupid fukkn button up electro
its real slick on the fly...
no odd sounds it is All Good
Well, I've had both in my toyota 4wd pickups, including manual locking hubs. Found nothing wrong with the electronic button/dial to change into, or out of 4wd over the last 20 plus years. My tundra required me to use reverse, or drive so the truck would move a bit before the 4wd button would engage. Not so on this gen3 taco. I just dial it to 4wd and, you're engaged. Same for going back to's instant. Whatever toyota engineers did to design this was slicker than goose poop on a wet lawn.
Yeah, so what? Is this suppose to be a special type of asphalt no one has ever traveled on before? Its still a asphalt highway last I knew.
Yeah, so what? Is this suppose to be a special type of asphalt no one has ever traveled on before? Its still a asphalt highway last I knew.
do you take a guess on how long it has been Since there was a nice and smooth surface on That on-ramp to i80 west
it has been unsafe riddled with holes craters bumps, the works, for the very longest of time
so unsafe that i have felt the need to have to straddle the white shoulder line in order to avoid the craters to safely merge out of the exit only lane
and i sure hope it is the Special Asphalt that will withstand the brutal winter Without cracking into pieces and crumble like so many other patch jobs they have butchered around here making it unsafe to travel

Yeah, so what? Is this suppose to be a special type of asphalt no one has ever traveled on before? Its still a asphalt highway last I knew.
It's the same asphalt they use here that gets repaved when enough people complain with suits the surface of the road is damaging their cars .
it has been well over 15 years since That on-ramp has been HOLE FREE as far as i can honestly remember

them roads dept. let it go to absolut Sh!T
i have been Avoiding a certain Taco LBJ killer hole on the interstate bypass for 5+ weeks
have to drive over in the left shoulder to avoid it
it was Finally patched the other day
why do it take 5+ weeks ???
What you should avoid is seeing any metal, especially iron in your motor oil, or filter. If so, something is slowly eating itself will be the crank main bearings getting scored. Its a slow death to a motor.