Say nothing, Do nothing, Be nothing...

Sounds like orangeman. Our defense industry want's to keep these wars going while raking in big profits, same as big pharma. Neither give a crap how many they kill.
are there no illegal crossing in NM?
There's a ton of illegal's crossing into NM Jay. Google "420 Lindbergh drive, El Paso, Texas. That was my home for five years before I moved back to Colorado. It's a 6-minute drive to the border fence, and a 10-minute walk to boundry marker 1 (BM1) after that. To the left of BM1 is El Paso and the old ASARCO smelter plant with the red & white smokestack. Directly behind BM1 is Mexico, and directly to the right of BM1 is New Mexico.

Illegals cross here ALL THE TIME. No wall, no fence. I can't explain it but it's a triangle border where Texas, NM, and Mexico meet. This is where they cross in EP and Sunland Park, NM. When I lived there the Boarder Patrol agents were so freaking awesome protecting that part of the border with all their SUV's, ATV's, and motion sensors.

So to answer your question, yes, illegal's cross into NM. And the 3rd picture is i-10 Northbound headed towards Las Cruces, NM. You should take a road trip there sometime with all the driving you do. The famous Rosa's Cantina is right there on the border highway.





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Mighty Bulwark Forming as Dozens of States Flock to the Texan Cause, Tell Biden to Kick Rocks​

Story by Jack Gist •

Remember when newly elected President Biden said, "This is the time to heal in America”? He did just the opposite. He has divided America like no other president before him.

And the border crisis is at the center of that division.

Republican governors are backing GOP Texas Governor Greg Abbott's staunch rejection of the Biden administration's border authority, according to The Hill.

On Tuesday, despite a Supreme Court decision, the Texas National Guard went right on building razor wire barriers on the U.S.-Mexico border. Abbott defended the action in a statement Wednesday by claiming he has the authority to confront what he termed the “invasion” of the state by illegal immigrants. Abbott also claimed his authority to do so supersedes federal law.

Defying the Supreme Court -- which ruled 5-4 that Texas officials cannot impede federal border agents from cutting down razor wire installed near the Rio Grande \-- is a bold move. Abbot invoked Article IV, § 4 of the Constitution to back his authority in a statement that began, "The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the States."

Article IV, § 4 states the federal government “shall protect each [State] against invasion.” The Biden administration has failed to do that. Abbott also cited Article I, § 10, Clause 3, “the States’ sovereign interest in protecting their borders.”

Abbott's logic was enough to convince 25 Republican governors to back Texas in their standoff with the federal government, according to UPI. That's half of the United States of America uniting under the banner of States' rights when it comes to protecting their borders from foreign invasion.

The GOP governors of Oklahoma, Virginia, Florida and Georgia all voiced their support for Abbott’s decision, according to The Hill.

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida -- who recently withdrew from the GOP presidential primary and endorsed former President Donald Trump -- posted on social media platform X, “If the Constitution really made states powerless to defend themselves against an invasion, it wouldn’t have been ratified in the first place and Texas would have never joined the union when it did. TX is upholding the law while Biden is flouting it.”
So a number of years ago (elsewhere) I told some hardcore libbie from Madison Wisconsin that these illegal border jumpers were coming to get his (ours) goodies and I recall him balking rather obnoxiously to my claim

It would appear I am 110 per cent correct spot on that truth

Just look at the shiitt in San Diego :(
Heck, now you have these illegal immigrants beating up cops with no bail, then giving the american public the double middle finger after being released no less.
Have y'all seen the Cost to the USA to support the illegal immigrants????? Can you say $151 B. Its no wonder our economy is FUBAR.

WE support everyone except the US citizens. Time for the Demonrats to get out of office.