Shock/Spring combo


I asked about Toyotas leveling kit last night and it seems it's better to go with Bilsteins. Having slept on it I think I'm okay with trying for a 3in lift. Can anyone suggest a good shock/spring combo? What kind of work am I looking at? Extended brake lines etc.? I can handle removing and installing the shocks/springs but I need to know what else goes along with it. It's a '13 Off-road double cab. Thanks!
No brake lines needed. You would need a spring compressor if you use your springs. You can use Eibach springs that give a 2 inch lift on their own so you would have to use less preload to get the 3 inches or lift you want. Everything else is just unbolt and bolt.
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Eibach springs with a 2in lift... Sounds great. Thanks for all the advice whipper. I'm gonna try to order the Bilsteins and Eibachs tonight!