Supercharging a Toyota


New Member
Hey everyone, who has run or is considering a supercharger like a TRD, Magnuson, Edelbrock or ProCharger on their late-model Toyota truck? Pros and cons?
Yes. I didn't have the best luck with my TRD (Magnuson) kit but I believe it was Toyota's tune.

Pros: More power
Cons: Less mileage
So it came with Toyota's tune or one from Magnuson? Has anyone tried a centritugal like the ProCharger?

When I bought mine it was TRD so Toyota's tune but Magnuson always manufactured the kit.

There are no Procharger kits for the 2nd gen but they are working on one for the 3.5. Centrifugal blowers are top end power makers.
I’m getting ready to have a Magnuson installed on my 2017 TRD Sport. Part of the deal will be extensive dyno tuning by one of the best high performance tuning shops in the southwest. Should bypass the problems of a plug in tune that might not work well.