Team Taco

Ragnar The Redneck

Well-Known Redneck
Team Taco? It's not what you think! We all call our Tacomas "Tacos", but were you aware of Team Taco?

Team Taco is what Turner Motorsport is informally known. They race BMWs, and have since the early 90s. I have used Turner Motorsport for many upgrades to my BMWs for a couple of decades. I knew they were known as Team Taco for quite some time.

I have called Tacomas "Tacos" for quite some time, as well. My mind did not connect the two until this morning when I got an email from Turner Motorsport and Team Taco.

Team Taco T-Shirt! LOL
Team Taco? It's not what you think! We all call our Tacomas "Tacos", but were you aware of Team Taco?

Team Taco is what Turner Motorsport is informally known. They race BMWs, and have since the early 90s. I have used Turner Motorsport for many upgrades to my BMWs for a couple of decades. I knew they were known as Team Taco for quite some time.

I have called Tacomas "Tacos" for quite some time, as well. My mind did not connect the two until this morning when I got an email from Turner Motorsport and Team Taco.

Team Taco T-Shirt! LOL

Huh; I like the concept of the front of the shirt, especially if it had a breast pocket but the backside is all advertisement and I don't do well with that. Could I get it in VooDooBlue Ragnar?


What the heck is Mexican then?
They got that funky lookin' eagle in the middle of it.

To be honest, my Mother was 1/2 Cherokee... I sort of look like I could have come from south of the border... And have been mistaken for same, by same. My Dad's family is Irish and English, fair haired and blue eyes... In the family pictures, I stick out like a sore thumb. When all of the cousins got together, we played cowboys and Indian... Yeah, that's right. Indian. Not plural. One Indian. I'll give you one guess as to who the Indian was...

When we lived up north, I went to a Catholic school. My neighborhood was mostly Polish, except for the one damn Irish/Indian. I always got singled out during Thanksgiving. "What's it like to live on a reservation?" Dude, you've been to my house, we are on the same hockey team...