The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

I get my blood tested every 6 months for all sorts of stuff I can't ever pronounce. Only time I saw bruising like that was on my mother's arm that was seriously ill till she passed away. I have yet to see any bruising on my arm. Maybe whoever stuck you used a dull needle to draw your blood. I never feel a thing when they draw blood.
As far as watch the dems, they will try to cheat again.
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the vein in my arm is very deep it seems
i always tell them to take sample from the top of my hand because its easier to prick and no need to jab jab jab hunting in the arm
i've seen those arms of male whose veins ride right near the epidermis
mine do not do this
they be deep!
I was trying to be subtle. Trying to turn a new leaf. Less like a 16 lb sledgehammer, more like a 12 oz ball peen hammer.
I was always told to tell it like I see it.....never being accused of being subtle. Maybe a reason I've been banned on tw.