the climate crisis...

Its raining hard again. Between yesterday, and today we already have an 1'' more. I can't even get enough good days in to complete my ark.
i need to paint a taco part so the rain better just stay away from this area
Joel's of course.

so I am curious about your area's stats for all this rain this year

is your area at normal levels or way above normal rainfall and other precip for the year
its the 2nd year here for Below Normal... for this year last i heard its about 5 inches below the long average and turning into the midWest desert :eek:
so I am curious about your area's stats for all this rain this year

is your area at normal levels or way above normal rainfall and other precip for the year
its the 2nd year here for Below Normal... for this year last i heard its about 5 inches below the long average and turning into the midWest desert :eek:
Really don't know the amount, but it's far above normal than other years. Seems about every 20 years we get a year like this thats far above goes in cycles.
Still waiting for those thunderstorms to start up
Its been awhile since the thunder rolled
The crazy is how much rain there's been in the eastern USA
The amount of rain here goes in cycles...seem's every 20 years we get a big precipitation year, but usually it's in the spring we get a lot of rain. Can't ever recall such a wet late summer. It's suppose to rain again this weekend.:(
one winter here, i believe it was 2009-2010, there was a snowstorm every weekend it seemed starting in December and it all started piling up
total accumulation was at least 3 feet of snow... Christmas services were basically canceled because of bad blizzard on Christmas Eve all the residential streets plowed into the main roads, snow up to the hood of my truck
but!! around here that white stuff usually melts away when temps fluctuate above freezing to 50 and even 60 and then goes back to freezing
well that year it BARELY made it above freezing for months on end, meaning NO melt
all that snow compacted into glacier like ice that the wildlife and small dogs could walk on top of the crusted without falling through
it was over 3 months of at least a foot of snowcover after it compacted and not seeing ANY grassy in 3 months... all the bushes and small tree bark were missing a foot above the ground because that's all the rabbits had to eat all winter

and now this area is looking at a 3rd straight winter of severe drought conditions!
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The rabbits are disappearing inland in our state due to all the urban development, and old tree growth. When I grew up rabbits were common. I often hunted them for a nice dinner. Now you have buy a domestic rabbit if wanting a rabbit stew.
i had a rabbit recently chewing on the back deck lattice stuff
what a racket that buggar was making