Very quiet in here



Well-Known Member
Joined Jun 22, 2015
Last seen Apr 22, 2023

have not seen mr BigBlue in about 2 weeks
anybody hear if he is doing ok? there were some nasty storms in Texas that stranded some on the news
it seemed to be a bit more south than the Dallas area though?
I'm sure we will hear from him when he's ready to. We've had tornadoes, and bad thunder boom boom storms all around us here but none have hit. It's like someone has a force field covering our area.
2+ weeks now since TexasBigBlue was last seen
where did he disappear to, what happened?


Well-Known Member · From North Texas
Joined Dec 29, 2022
Last seen Aug 9, 2024
Jay, you ought to know. If TexasBigBlue has that beautiful new gen4 taco, he could possibly be broke down somewhere no one will ever find him.:(