

Well-Known Member
Did some weed whacking around the house the other day. While doing so ended up getting stung in the face, and head from these little bastards. I hadn't seen anything like them around here before. They're nearly an inch long, and look like a yellow jacket on steroids. One of my friends here yesterday said they look like paper wasps, whatever they are, but they sure are aggressive when hearing my weed whacker....they come pouring out of my attic vent with a vengeance. I've been hitting them with this long range terminix stinging insect spray, spectracide, and black flag from outside shooting it up at the vent above, but it just seems to piss them off even more instead of killing them. Any of you guys recommend something else more potent, other than burning them out? These sprays seem to have little effect.
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Crawled into the attic this evening to see where those little bastards were hanging out. Found out they have a pretty good size umbrella type nest off one of the rafters a few feet inside from the vent. Took an aerosol can of spectracide, and soaked them down good. They didn't suspect anything where I was. I crawled back down out of there to the floor below, and went outside to have a look. This time it was curtains. Been a couple hrs so far I don't see any of them flying around like before. VICTORY is mine.
Was mowing the lawn this morning....s.o.b, nearly got stung again. Those little bastards moved back in again using the kitchen fan vent this time that exits just under the roofs overhang....they are going in, and out between the tiny slots in the vent cover. This time I was ready for the little buggers. Took apart the filter screen covers on my kitchen stove fan, and wedged one of those black flag fogger insect aerosol bombs above the motor, and fan inside, while setting it off, and turning the fan on high for an hr. Within minutes it was raining dead wasps inside the fan housing, and outside the vent opening. It's been about a couple hrs now....not a flying bug to be seen. Little bastards are going to learn they picked the wrong house to set up shop.
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Nice to hear from you, been awhile. As far as the bugs. Problem solved. No more wasps for days. You just need think out of the box, and be persistent.