What did you do with your Taco today

I wouldn't buy a Vizio, or take one if given to me. I've had Sony, and Samsung for an eternity, but at nearly 20 years on the Sony's, they're getting old. Everyone that sees them asks me when are they going in a museum. I tell them whenever they crap out.
Always bought Sony, bought a new one when their 4k smart tvs were released, and about 4 years in, they stopped supporting the smart feature. Instead of just not providing any updates, they just removed the feature altogether. As for the Vizio... I really wanted a Samsung, but the amount of money I budgeted for my office update was running low when I decided I wanted a tv to keep up with the current news. It was actually pretty good for about 2 or 3 years, when they zapped an update and bricked the tv. Had sound and could see the menus, but would not display from any input. Took it apart, and did not find anything that burned up, and checked continuity to everything, all IC's looked normal. Chucked in the trash and went and bought a new Samsung...
A bit more mobile today. The hamstring isn't as angry....more like an annoyed LOML. Still going easy, being a bit less dependent on the crutch.

Got so much to finish before I roll to Wichita on Tuesday for a quick 2 day turn. Roll on Tuesday, return roll Wednesday.

Hoping to crank up some Tina tunes on the trip.
Always bought Sony, bought a new one when their 4k smart tvs were released, and about 4 years in, they stopped supporting the smart feature. Instead of just not providing any updates, they just removed the feature altogether. As for the Vizio... I really wanted a Samsung, but the amount of money I budgeted for my office update was running low when I decided I wanted a tv to keep up with the current news. It was actually pretty good for about 2 or 3 years, when they zapped an update and bricked the tv. Had sound and could see the menus, but would not display from any input. Took it apart, and did not find anything that burned up, and checked continuity to everything, all IC's looked normal. Chucked in the trash and went and bought a new Samsung...
Only way to repair a Vizio is from stripped parts from others. At least with Sony, or Samsung you can buy new circuit boards, Usually Vizios will last only a year, or two if played more than 8 hrs a day.
Nobody has posted on the 2016+ forum since around noon today.

What did you do with your truck today?

Me? I went to lunch in my truck. Drove to the mall to buy some Halloween cards. Drove home and did some work in my study.

Renewed registration, picked up gravel, drove the out of it.
Oh yeah, replaced turn signal socket.
Drove the taco to my DMV appointment this noon, trying to registrar an old aluminum rowboat with a 6 hp motor I rebuilt, and reconditioned, that I was given. Had all the paperwork I thought needed for it. WRONG! What a cluster fluck that place is. The boat owner has since passed away. Better yet the boat had no executor, and never went through probate court as part of the deceased ones estate. Technically I was told, it's now owned by the state. I can't register it, nor sell it. Looks like another worthless deal for my lawyer to get involved. Thanks Connecticut, and their DMV for nothing. End of rant...I'm done.
DMV = Dimwits, Morons and Vehicles.

take the boat to a lake and leave it. If the State owns it, then its the State's problem.
I'm pissed beyond being pissed off. I got hrs. in that boat, making a new transom out of marine plywood, and seats from marine teak wood, plus staining them. I repainted the outside, and insides of this boat the original colors that it came with in 1965.
Was at the local target store today doing some shopping. Hadn't been there for some time. All I can say, holy chit, that place has gone woke. You got everything from queer beer to kids queer gear.
Was at the local target store today doing some shopping. Hadn't been there for some time. All I can say, holy chit, that place has gone woke. You got everything from queer beer to kids queer gear.
Your other choice is Walmart......... That would be taking a step backwards, IMHO.

I have no problem walking past all that crap. I just wish the "Wokers" wouldn't shove the crap down our throats. I just don't understand WHY the Alphabet people need special RIGHTS.

Yeah, I know. I'm a white American male, therefore everything is my fault. What a load......

Best thing to do is to leave all that garbage in the store. There must be better things to spend money on.
I'm pissed beyond being pissed off. I got hrs. in that boat, making a new transom out of marine plywood, and seats from marine teak wood, plus staining them. I repainted the outside, and insides of this boat the original colors that it came with in 1965.
I completely understand. I built a 16' wood strip canoe. Construction began on Labor Day and finished on the following New Years Day. I have no idea as to the number of hours for the construction. When LOML relocated, while I was in China, the canoe was left outside exposed to the weather sitting on the ground for 2 years. The damage is substantial, but repairable. The IA DNR needs it licensed to be used in IA. Unfortunately, they want paperwork to document the origin of the canoe. T'ain't got much paperwork for a canoe that I built.

I'd like to sell it, but it needs repair first. Plus any buyer in IA will have the same licensing problem. I'm considering taking to the in-laws farm to donate to the annual tree felling bonfire.
Your other choice is Walmart......... That would be taking a step backwards, IMHO.

I have no problem walking past all that crap. I just wish the "Wokers" wouldn't shove the crap down our throats. I just don't understand WHY the Alphabet people need special RIGHTS.

Yeah, I know. I'm a white American male, therefore everything is my fault. What a load......

Best thing to do is to leave all that garbage in the store. There must be better things to spend money on.
I for one won't be back. Getting to the point tractor supply has more of what I would spend my dollars on, or just go online.
is there a BOMGAARS in yer area, tacoJoel

I completely understand. I built a 16' wood strip canoe. Construction began on Labor Day and finished on the following New Years Day. I have no idea as to the number of hours for the construction. When LOML relocated, while I was in China, the canoe was left outside exposed to the weather sitting on the ground for 2 years. The damage is substantial, but repairable. The IA DNR needs it licensed to be used in IA. Unfortunately, they want paperwork to document the origin of the canoe. T'ain't got much paperwork for a canoe that I built.

I'd like to sell it, but it needs repair first. Plus any buyer in IA will have the same licensing problem. I'm considering taking to the in-laws farm to donate to the annual tree felling bonfire.
I couldn't believe what this 4 eyed ferret faced dmv guy kept telling me that I had to have a form from the probate court notarized awarding me the boat. I kept telling him, its only a 50 year old 12' rowboat I refurbished. You can't reason with these people. He took my forms that I had prepared, and tore them up, saying come back when you everything in order. Talk about holding my temper. I waited over month to get this appointment, and to be told this?
I couldn't believe what this 4 eyed ferret faced dmv guy kept telling me that I had to have a form from the probate court notarized awarding me the boat. I kept telling him, its only a 50 year old 12' rowboat I refurbished. You can't reason with these people. He took my forms that I had prepared, and tore them up, saying come back when you everything in order. Talk about holding my temper. I waited over month to get this appointment, and to be told this?

Try registering it as a home built boat. Many times the regulations are more open for home builds.
Well I didn’t do shlt. But the ole lady racked 600 miles to haul back a sno thrower an a forgotten mountain bike. The sno thrower needs a new carb. 18 bucks. I had it running with starter fluid. But not long enough to see it work. The bike I just lubed up with lithium grease and aired up both tires. Seems to ride all right.