? Where is the Gen1 Taco traffic at ?

It's from that other place where many gen1s gather for supports and such
Just got back from a run to torrington to my shop this morning to pick up a 2'x3' expanded metal grate I had hanging around. On the the way in, I followed an old gray gen1 taco on the ratty side. Old guy like me was driving it. I think he had too much tea this morning...freakin guy nearly went off the road 1/2 dozen times.
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Nah. He was taking pics with his cell phone trying to document the point in time of odometer sequences.
You have to laugh at that one. I'll bet they have a long line of potential buyer's just chomping at the bit to plunk down their cash.
yes, you are correct
its in the shop right now undergoing surgery :(
2-month wait has finally cometh

box-o-taco parts for new clutch and other stuffs.jpg
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