Who's going to be Trump's Running mate in 2024 ?

So, I'm curious.

Say he wins, but the Judge sentences him to time at the iron bar hotel. Who would be Commander in Chief???

Oh and the Blue people would go ballistic before the end of November 2024. They did last time. Don't suspect they'll behave any different.

In short, we are FUBAR'd, regardless of the November outcome.
Bill Maher warned those blues that the reds have guns and KNOW how to use them
So, I'm curious.

Say he wins, but the Judge sentences him to time at the iron bar hotel. Who would be Commander in Chief???

Oh and the Blue people would go ballistic before the end of November 2024. They did last time. Don't suspect they'll behave any different.

In short, we are FUBAR'd, regardless of the November outcome.
If orangeman wins, it all goes away. He'll never get jail for being a first time offender anyways.
Not so sure it all goes away.

The Blues have been hounding Orangeman for more than 8 years. Remember, they began shouting "IMPEACH 46" before he took the oath of office.
Not so sure it all goes away.

The Blues have been hounding Orangeman for more than 8 years. Remember, they began shouting "IMPEACH 46" before he took the oath of office.
Once he's elected president, he'll have his own doj that will allow all this bs all go away......at least assuming the republicans retain the house. Orangeman can even pardon himself from any federal crimes if it comes to that.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit that the brandon crime family now gets charged for selling out the country, and all their money laundering.
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the Swing states will be the key to getting Trump re-elected, if the Tax and spend freeloaders get their message of cradle to grave Government nanny state agenda through to them it will be another 4 years of Brandon and then hand the Presidency over to Kamala so she gets an easy route to be the 1st women of color to be Prez, a Liberals dream come true, and the end of this country.
the Swing states will be the key to getting Trump re-elected, if the Tax and spend freeloaders get their message of cradle to grave Government nanny state agenda through to them it will be another 4 years of Brandon and then hand the Presidency over to Kamala so she gets an easy route to be the 1st women of color to be Prez, a Liberals dream come true, and the end of this country.
What do ya think about the Black and Hispanic vote getting Trump re-elected ? CNN is saying Brandin is losing their votes.
the enemy has no doubt made it across that 'secured' southern border UNDETECTED by the Feds
Better watch out, those taiban, and isis dudes love those gen1 6 figure tacos....they mount 50 cal. machine guns in the bed, and the M40 recoilless rifles.
What do ya think about the Black and Hispanic vote getting Trump re-elected ? CNN is saying Brandin is losing their votes.
they are sticking with the Dems as usual and wont be enough of them voting for Trump, he needs to get those dumbass whites that flipped over to Biden in the last election to be able to cinch the important swings states. it all depends if they are poor enough yet from Bidenomics and sick enough of ridiculous policy decisions yet. Never underestimate White liberal snowflakes to vote Democrats like last time.