Your Dogs

If you ever tasted any dry dog food, you would avoid feeding your dog it. Their finally selling nutritional pet food thats actually food.
I don't think there's much regulation for pet foods.
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When I grew up my grand parents always fed their beagles table food. They ate a lot of squirrel, and rabbit stew. Those dogs were use for hunting back in the day to supplement their diet. My grand parents had a huge garden, and did a lot of canning to. I don't think they did too much business with buying store bought food. of them Mexican taco dogs? Ankle bitter. Neighbor had several---raised them where I use to live. They would nip you no matter how well they got to know who you were.
Well a bit more disturbing.......

Not all of the meat paste goes to making pet food. Some goes to making livestock feed.

I feed Farmer's Dog. No joking. I did see a change in my dog's coat, energy, behavior, even skin health. The daily dog nuggets are very small with very little smell with a regular consistency. So the nuggets are easy to collect for proper disposal. Bad kibble dog breath is gone. Kinda ironic, the cost is more than the kibble I was feeding, but after I did the math comparison, the difference was less than $20/month.

Something to think about. Large, odiferous dog nuggets are a sign of undigested fillers and chemicals.

A dog's digestive tract is short and evolved to process meats. To compare, a cow's digestive tract is long and complex allowing the fermentation of the food to capture the nutrients. Need additional evidence? Look at the tooth structure. Dog teeth are sharp/pointed designed to shred and tear meat. Herbivore teeth are broad/flat to crush and grind. More? Jaw movement. Dogs are not able to move their jaw sideways only vertical, good for shredding and tearing. Herbivore jaws can move sideways, good for grinding and crushing.

The proof is in the anatomy of the animal.

FWIW, I have yet to meet a well trained or socialized Chihuahua. I put the blame on the owner for the lack of training and socializing. Its not the dog's fault.
Jack russell terriers can be a bit grumpy to. I use do electrical work for a kennel owner that had a crew of them.
No, those commies banned me for life again. You say anything that they don't agree with your gone. I'd need another computer, a new email address, and new internet provider like before, until they get wise, and ban me a 3rd time for life. That would be unprecedented !
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