As the title says. I like the way my Taco looks with the topper, but I can't haul anything in the bed. Because the opening is only 31" tall. Like my snow blower, etc.
Should I take it off, sell it and get a nice bed cover?
No, there has been a spree of vehicles being broken into. They take anything of value. They wouldn't get **** from my vehicle. I take everything out at night.
Well I had someone try and break into my Tacoma on Friday night. Luckily it was all locked up. He tried to get into the bed via the topper. But I caught him before he did any damage.
Thats what I was thinking about. But then I remembered a friend of mine started working for DD a couple years ago. So I hit him up. He wants me to run all DD. So these CDT might go up for sale
I know its just for sound and minimal gains. But I can't stand how quiet my Taco is.
If you had a choice which exhaust would you buy? Here are the choices
MBRP Turn Down $329...
I’m 51, 5’9 195lbs. My mom is still alive, is 76 years old, 5’0, 105lbs soak and wet. And I’m still scared to back talk her. lol
The good old days when an ass whooping cured all of our hoodlum acts.