is this nothing more than just surface rust?

New crop of pics surfaced
Quite a few more to upload
And one confuses the heck outta me :confused:
Try not to overload the melon, rust is rust.

need to know how to prevent and manage it for the cancer it seems to be
i had NO clue until 4 years ago these ****made frame could prick you in the A$$ so bad
taco rust is not yer ordinary runofthemill rust it appears :(
SO MANY people have no phuckin' clue...
i had a bodyshop look at my situation 4 years ago

he told me the body panels would rott and perforate way before the frame would have any sort of issues

i get onto the TW and they tell me the complete opposite!
i knew of the body panel rott (tailgate, rear wheelhouses) from my teens looking at the YO pickups and other small domestic trucks

but was not ever aware of the seriousness of frame rott that is more than just surface rust
until TW in 2o19 showed to me things i never saw or knew of
I've had new toyota pickups since 1978. If untreated, and living in the rust belt like I am...those toyota frame's can be toast in as little as 7 years. It's only in the last 20 toyota has made an effort to inspect them. Even this last tacoma I purchased, the dealer told me that toyota has done their part, but it's still up to you to keep the truck undercarriage free of road salt as best as possible.
I think until dana, their frame supplier gets orders to supply hot dip galvanized zinc frames, the rust issues will continue. After all every manufacture wants you to keep buying new trucks every 10 years, or sooner.
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I take it you've appointed yourself as Toyotas new rusty fame inspector, and now providing all us with regular updates.