The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Just finished cutting up the tree that fell on my barns roof. Must of happened from that crazy wind storm the other day. At least the roof isn't too bad. Escaped a bullet on that one.
Just got a call from my lawyer, the big pow wow is tomorrow between the city, and the potential buyers of my building whether they accept it, or not. There's been a snag due a cleaners that operated down the street back in the 60's till the 90's. City wanted me to do a phase 2 on my property. I basically told them to f**k off. I don't need to get the greenies involved, so my property can be devalued. I know how they operate....I don't deal with crazy. I told my lawyer if they want the building bad enough, they can do a phase2 on their nickel once it's theirs.
Picked up a couple of small parts at the yota dealer
The whole place under construction remodel
Usual customer restroom was under remodel
So they let me go through the garage and use the technician restroom lockeroom
Those guys had the nicest of snap-on brand hand cleaner soap :oops:
Jordan failed worst today for the 3rd round for house speaker, while akeem from the other team got more votes. Dems stick together like sheep, while these house republicans can't get their chit together. It all goes back to those 8 traders that had no plan.
Just received a threatening letter from my lawyer if I don't do a $15k phase 2 on my building he'll quit. He has advised me to seek further advice from an environmental lawyer.
I will reply back that he's fired. I don't need another 800 dollar an hour lawyer to advise me how to sell my property. There's no law that says I need a phase2 because of a nearby cleaners that operated up the street nearly 30 years ago. Nobody is holding a gun to these buyers heads that say they must buy the building. You want it, or leave it. The entire area is fed by city water. No one has an artisan well. No need to go looking for pollution, my shop is clean. I never put any dangerous chemicals in the ground. I know how these greenies work that do environmental assessments....they keep looking, and looking, till they can find something that they can remediate. Thats where the really big money is at. The entire city core has ground water pollution from all the industry thats gone on over the past 2 centuries. It's these crazy lawyers covering their butt with this bs, instead of just writing up the transfer of the property.