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A gallon of cow juice at shell store will run ya 809c
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Thats the last place to but that. I bought a gallon at the supermarket Friday for about $4.

how much parking and walking was involved in that?

a local supermarket here has a running unadvertised deal on a gallon for 239c

but it takes much effort to get in there to the back of the store and back to checkout and also across a biggie of a parking lot both ways since i always park on the outskirts
I just finished brewing up a pot of my vegetable goulash. I tossed a bunch of stuff from my garden in there including some jalapeño peppers. I grew one ghost pepper plant this year for some experimenting. There were a few peppers that were ready to be picked, so I did. Wasn't a very smart move on my part, after cutting one open. In less than 2 minutes that pepper gave me a nose bleed, plus my hands were now burning, and still are. That pepper went right in the trash. I don't even think I'll try picking another without nitrile gloves on.
Why, you planning to? For one, it'll likely be a good reason to get pulled over.

i was in the passing lane on highway 80 yesterday, not going over 75mph
a state trooper really started to ride on my rear hard
he had no flashy lights on so i wondered WTH is he doing
get off my arse, Mr Trooper
i proceeded to speed up and get back into the right lane and boom off he goes, still with no lights

should i have put on my hazard blinky lights to let him know to stop riding my rear so close