The BS Thread To Rule Them All!!!

Thats one lucky toyota out of millions on the road that wouldn't have the same results. I wouldn't tell everyone that owns a toyota its fine to never check, or change your oil.
Yesterday at noon, I was watching a nice size 6 point buck 50' away eating all the fallen apples from one of my trees.
Picked up my fresh natures promise turkey this morning. Whipping up my injection concoction tomorrow for deep frying this bird. Should be another good one. The smell of it cooking out on my deck brings in the crows from miles around.
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spotted on highWay 95 north in Maine six months ago
this was a first spotting for I
it ran out into the roadway right in front

IMG_4165 ~ moose in Maine.JPG

IMG_4166 ~  moose in Maine going into woods.JPG